Libris Britannia 4
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science library(b)
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ÆÄöìâ éÇæâÆ?! ╧╧╬╠╬╠╬╠╬╠╡
σΣα≤⌠±Σ α±≤ΦΓδΣ
│ If you haven't noticed lately
≤τΣ Σ⌡εδ⌠≤Φεφ εσ ┌─┐ │ (and if you haven't, what Tibetan
┌────┐┌────┐┌─┐┌─┐┌────┐┌──┘ │ │ hillside have you been living
│ ──┤│ ┌┐ ││ ││ ││ ┌┐ ││ ┌┐ │ │ on?), multimedia is IT - at least
├── ││ └┘ ││ └┘ ││ ││ ││ └┘ │ │ so the press says.
└────┘└────┘└────┘└─┘└─┘└────┘ │ So what's a computer user to
┌─┐ │ do, then? Why, get a sound card,
┌────┐┌────┐┌────┐┌──┘ │┌────┐ │ of course, so they can play all
│ ┌──┘├─── ││ ┌──┘│ ┌┐ ││ ──┤ │ the latest game...er multimedia
│ └──┐│ ── ││ │ │ └┘ │├── │ │ presentations with glorious
└────┘└────┘└─┘ └────┘└────┘ │ sound. But what the heck is all
│ the blather one hears about sound
ß√ πα⌡Σ ≤Φ∞εφΣ√ │ cards?
│ ≥ε⌠φπ ≤√∩Σ≥
α δεεΩ α≤ ≤τΣ πΦσσΣ±Σφ≤ '≥ε⌠φπ │
≤√∩Σ≥' ÷τΦΓτ ≤τΣ Γ⌠±±Σφ≤ ≥ε⌠φπ │ Γε∞∩⌠≤Σ± ≥ε⌠φπ≥, α≤ δΣα≥≤ εφ
ßεα±π≥ α±Σ ßα≥Σπ εφ. │ ≤τΣ ∩Γ, Γαφ ßΣ ß±εΩΣφ πε÷φ Φφ≤ε
│ Θ⌠≥≤ α σΣ÷ Γα≤Σµε±ΦΣ≥: ∩Γ
│ ≥∩ΣαΩΣ±, σ∞ ≥√φ≤τΣ≥Φ≥, ÷α⌡Σ≤αßδΣ
≥√φ≤τΣ≥Φ≥, αφπ παΓ. The PC │ Adlib card could actually change
speaker, lets just say it │ volume and pitch and had multiple
produces a reasonably harsh and │ voices (signals) that could be
loud sound, with little relation │ combined and shaped to sound
to real-world sound (although │ something like recognizable
programs using RealSound and │ instruments or far-out space
Digpak do a credible job -for PC │ sound effects (sfx). The sounds
sound- for those who don't wish │ were created, or 'synthesized' by
to use a sound card and want │ taking certain frequencies or
digitized sound). Putting the PC │ groups of frequencies and varying
speaker aside, let's spend time │ (modulating) them to create
talking about the other three │ sounds such as a wavering
types. │ trumpet. Thus the frequency
│ modulation (FM) label.
Φφ ≤τΣ ßΣµΦφφΦφµ │
│ Another plus was, unlike
Years ago, a company called Ad │ digitized sounds, the sounds
Lib revolutionized the PC sound │ themselves weren't stored in the
market when it offered a sound │ program; only the commands to
card using FM synthesis. This │ tell the FM synthesis card how to
create the sounds were needed. │ you don't support it, you'll get
Game companies embraced this │ a lot of raised eyebrows from
system of sound generation, since │ vendors and end users....but
it needed relatively small │ probably not their cash.
amounts of additional sound and │ Although the Yamaha OPL2 chip
provided an exponential increase │ was originally the basis for the
in the enjoyability and interest │ Adlib card, newer cards use more
in the game. It also helped │ advanced circuits with more sound
convey emotional content, │ features such as the OPL3 for
something game designers quickly │ generating FM synthesized sound.
noted and the call went out (and │
is still out) for (good) music │ Just as the address on your
composers. Indeed, even today │ mailbox allows you and the
there is a scarcity of well- │ mailman to tranfer information
rounded musical folks in the │ (yes, evenjunk mail is
computer industry. │ information) because you both
│ know where to put or get the
The Adlib standard is still │ mail, the Adlib card had an
the de facto music standard today │ Input/Output (I/O) address to
- if you're a game designer and │ allow the microprocessor and the
FM circuitry to exchange │ (ADC) circuit on a sound (the
information. This address was │ analog part) to convert it from a
assigned the number 330H. Even │ continuous sound into samples -
today, many cards that are Adlib- │ digital numbers that represent
compatible will still have their │ the value of the sound at a
FM synthesis circuitry configured │ particular point of time. These
for address 330H (they may not │ numbers, or bytes, are stored in
even mention it in the card's │ one or more of the program files.
documentations as most times it │ When it comes time for a sound to
isn't user-selectable). │ play, it must be sent to a card
│ with a digital-to-analog (DAC)
It was all fairly simple, │ circuit to convert the samples
really. It soon turned out, │ back into a sound. This process
however, that Adlib sound alone │ is necessary, because a computer
wasn't enough for many people. │ cannot directly store sounds, but
│ must convert them. True, CDROMs
πΦµΦ≤ΦⁿΣπ ≥ε⌠φπ≥ │ will sometimes have true audio on
│ the CDROM, but it is usually not
Digitized sound is the process │ fully integrated into the program
of using an analog-to-digital │ (i.e the program may play it, but
the sounds are not really │ game to be played back at the
'controllable' by the program). │ appropriate moment. Screams,
│ clangs, embarrassing noises, even
We're getting ahead of │ speech could all be designed into
ourselves, though, as CDROMs │ programs and played back later.
weren't out yet - at least not │
for the masses. What did come │ Like the Adlib, the Sound
out, after the Adlib card, was │ Blaster had its FM synthesis
the Sound Blaster from Creative │ circuitry set to an address of
Labs. This card had wisely been │ 330. One advancement that the
designed to support the Adlib FM │ Sound Blaster made was that it
Synthesis (hereafter just called │ handled an additional type of
Adlib) method of music │ sounds - digitized sounds. The
generation, but added to that │ Sound Blaster (SB) used
some DAC circuitry (and a │ additional circuits, with one of
joystick controller and a MIDI │ six user-selectable addresses
port and an ADC to record your │ around 220H to send commands to a
own sounds). Now sounds, any │ DAC. And, since digitized sounds
sounds, could be recorded by a │ can be very big (and therefore
game maker and inserted into a │ take a long time to process, at
least as far as a computer is │ such as serial cards, printer
concerned), the sound data was │ cards, video cards, disk drive
put on a DMA channel that │ controllers, and timers. Unless
transfers data faster because it │ specificly designed for it, IRQ
doesn't have to bother the CPU. │ lines cannot be shared.
The DMA channel acts like a │ Therefore, one device - one
superhighway, allowing the data │ IRQ line. Break the rule and some
to travel straight to the sound │ very odd things (though not
card, without detours at the CPU. │ damaging) can happen on your
│ computer.
What really made the Sound │
Blaster stand out was that it │ A mouse takes an IRQ, a modem
used an IRQ totell the CPU it was │ another, a hard drive yet
ready for more. An IRQ is simply │ another. An ISA bus (the most
a way for the card to get the │ common type, also called the AT
CPU's attention (not unlike │ bus) typically has several cards
waving twenty dollars at a │ plugged into it that use up IRQs,
waiter). │ and there are only 16 available.
Several things in the computer │ In fact, at least six IRQs are
can activate IRQ lines - things │ used by the motherboard circuit-
ry, so it isn't a good idea to │ IRQ line to use has always been a
try and use those. If you're an │ pain.
average computer user, you've got │ Fortunately, some I/O cards
two serial ports and a printer │ are made for sharing; many
port, using up a total of three │ printer cards are designed to
IRQs. Well then, now you're down │ share IRQ7 - at least if the
to seven IRQs you can use....best │ printer is off-line.
hope at least one of them is │
available on your sound card. │ Even with all that hassle, the
│ enhancement in sound was
When PCs came out there were │ considered worth it by many. The
plenty of IBM XTs and its clones │ Sound Blaster digital sound
out there, with only 8 IRQ lines. │ configuration became another PC
So, cards were designed with the │ industry standard. Other card
assumption of 8 lines. The IBM │ manufacturers began to emerge,
AT's ISA bus added an additional │ most touting Adlib and Sound
8 IRQ lines, which are only now │ Blaster compatibility.... though
being supported from both card │ not always 100% compatibility.
manufacturers and sound software │ Today, there is a growing
developers. Finding an available │ multitude of Adlib/DAC cards out
there, most Adlib compatible and │ called synthesizers. These
some Sound Blaster compatible, │ 'samples' were digitized record-
some partially compatible and │ ings of instruments or whatever
some having gone their own way. │ that could be strung together and
The options for IRQs and DMA │ modified not unlike FM synthesis.
channels and addresses have │ But, unlike FM synthesis, a
increased, as have the options │ french horn would sound like a
for digitized sound quality...at │ french horn - if the french horn
the expense of larger sound │ samples were used, of course ( we
files. │ won't go into what would happen
Sometimes, the circuitry │ if you used, say, the barking dog
provides additional features, at │ samples instead ). Also developed
the cost of true Sound Blaster │ was the Musical Instrument Device
compatibility. │ Interface, or MIDI. MIDI would
│ allow a computer to act as a
∞ΦπΦ ∞⌠≥ΦΓ │ controller, recording music input
│ by a musician and then control
The music industry had, for │ the synthesizer. So, the musician
years, used small fragments of │ could define the bassoon notes to
sound, in the music devices │ be played and the computer would
tell the synth to play it...again │ musician have access to all the
and again, if desired. In early │ sounds desired, yet without
synths, cables (patch cords) were │ having to pay the exorbitant
run from the output of signal │ amount of money such a synth
sources to inputs of signal- │ would cost if it had all the
modifying devices, and the │ potential sounds the musician
outputs of these to inputs to │ might want in it. Storage memory
other devices, etc. These │ is still precious, even today.
connections, used to create each │
unique sound, were written down │ Problem is, this setup works
and referred to as 'patches'. │ fine for a musician working by
│ themselves but can be a real pain
Another thing this type of │ for computer users who can play
setup could do was keep a library │ MIDI-devised music.
of sounds and transfer them from │ Downloading takes time, time
the computer to the synthesizer. │ added to that of the program
This 'downloading' of sounds │ loading from disk. And if you
allowed the musician and the │ don't download, how do you know
synthesizer designer a lot more │ the bassoon will be at location
flexibility by letting the │ #156 where the musician put it in
his/her machine. After all, it │ music. The MT-32 is no longer
was just a randomly chosen │ being made, though games still
location. So, you're stuck │ support it and other vendors have
downloading sounds. │ cards that emulate it. Another
And, you can't just download │ potential standard has emerged,
the files once, and leave it; │ called General MIDI or GenMIDI.
what happens when you run a │ It is system-independent, and
different program and bypass the │ defines where a particular sound
downloading stage? │ can be found on any machine that
│ supports GenMIDI.
One answer to this was to come │
up with standards. With computers │ ÷α⌡Σ ≤αßδΣ≥
and standards basically an │
oxymoron, it's amazing that one │ Anyway, back to storage and
did emerge. Roland put out a │ time. Instead of downloading most
device called the MT-32, a device │ of the sounds, which are always
seized upon by high-end computer │ going to be needed (snare drum,
music lovers. Supporting it │ piano, steel-string guitar, et
became prevalent among programs │ al), why not put all these sound
wanting to support high-end │ waveforms in a ROM chip on a
board, so they're always there. │ tables are basically 'patch'
No downloading necessary, │ files, consisting of information
unless the program needs │ on which sound location to use
additional sounds to be │ and what longevity, volume,
generated....but even then the │ effects and wave-shaping options
download time will be less. This │ to use on the sound.
is what a wavetable is all about. │
It has the digitized sounds │ Wave tables are usually MIDI-
burned into a ROM (which is │ compatible and some are General
accessed by specifying a row and │ MIDI compliant. As might be
column, in what would look kind │ suspected, wave tables are not
of like the multiplication table │ good for playing digitized
if drawn out on paper) which is │ speech. Speech is too complex and
mounted on the wavetable card. │ varying, and wave tables
One can usually assume that │ typically don't have enough RAM
the larger the amount of ROM │ in them to store much speech. So,
storage used, the better. In │ if your plans include programs
addition, there is usually some │ with speech or digitized speech,
RAM for storing downloaded │ you'll still need a sound board
sounds. The sound files for wave │ with a DAC on it. Since most
cards have at least FM synthesis │
on them, if you're not particular │
about the music then maybe wave │
tables are a luxury. │
Sound is becoming more │
prevalent in software. In the │
case of some computer games, the │
lack of sound can be detrimental │
to one's successfully completing. │
Even productivity software is │
emerging with sounds built into │
programs, a far cry from the │
'blip!' of just a year ago. Now's │
the time to decide: will you soar │
in the sky with your sound card? │
Or run silent, run deep? ñ │